Jeanne White Eagle
In my early teen years when I was still quite young, I had a dream that became a recurring dream which existed well into my thirties. Then the dream stopped. Suddenly last year [2009], after some thirty years, the dream came again and this time with new clarity. I was to build a University. A new kind of University, one that has to do with the new direction Education will go in the future, one to help plant seeds for communicating more profoundly with ourselves, with each other and all life on our planet and beyond.
It will incorporate all the principles that call out the best in us, and will be for all age groups, from the youngest to the oldest among us. Academics will look very different and will simply be a byproduct of the true focus, being the whole person (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual). The Curriculum will be made up of a variety of experiences, all designed to help expand human potential and awareness, to build deep bonds of emotional and spiritual connectedness that transcends national identity, ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs. A primary goal is to create an experience where there is greater understanding of others who are perceived as “different,” greater empathy and tolerance, as well as new skills for healthier living. It is in this way that we eliminate prejudice, resolve interpersonal or interethnic conflicts and, transcending a world where conflict is assumed and indeed encouraged, plant seeds for a world whose underlying premise is one of Love.
Already there are extraordinary scholars and others, many of whom are specialists in their own fields of interest including holistic arts and skills, who are willing to “think outside the box,” and who are interested in being part of bringing the Interstellar University vision into being.
The ISU University will exist on three to five continents initially. We look now for gifts of land and facilities in North America, Europe, Africa and wherever else this vision touches the hearts of those moved to bring the Interstellar University into reality.
As we move forward into the manifestation of this dream, the beacon of light that guides us lies in the following questions: “How are the people treating each other as together we create this experience?” “Are we being kind with each other?” “Are we listening?” “Are we able to be in integrity with ourselves and others and do it in a caring way?” These are the questions that will guide those of us who are called to be part of this important creation we are now calling … the Interstellar University.